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Hart Swim Club Masters Squad conquer 10km Charity Swim

Members of Hart Swimming Club are not strangers to being put through their paces. With swimmers enjoying a full training schedule for over a month now since returning from lockdown, all squads from Junior, Competitive and Master’s have been building back their fitness and setting their sights on their future swimming goals once again. Members of the Hart SC Masters Squad have been no exception to that, 7 members set the ambitious goal of taking part in the Jubilee 10km River Swim this past Sunday, 20th September.

The Jubilee River swim, in its 9th year, sees swimmers take on the challenge of swimming 10 kilometers down the Jubilee River near Windsor. A 10km Open Water swim is considered a ‘Marathon Swim’ and is an official Olympic distance. Incredibly hard swim taking over 3-4+ hrs to complete.

Led by Team Co- Captain Daniel Reilly and also with the experience of Co-Captain, Zoe Sadler, who is a previous English Channel Swimmer and has conquered many challenging Open Water swims both in the UK and abroad. A team of Zoe Sadler, Jane Smetherham, Tom Martin, Tony Clark, Vince Fanning, Daniel Reilly, & Matt Perry managed to conquer the grueling challenge on sunday, all with very respectable times and in one piece!

Zoe Sadler said “It was great helping my team members get ready for this amazing challenge. We have been preparing for months. It was such a great day, and everyone did themselves proud. Can’t wait for the next crazy challenge together! We are so lucky to be back in the pool training again and just in time to get us swim fit for the charity swim. Thank you to all involved at Hart Swimming Club for making this happen. Daniel did such a great job coming up with the idea, the charity and rallying us all together to make this happen. Dan is the man!”

The team are raising money for an incredible charity, Level Water. Level Water is a charity dedicated to help disabled children learn to swim.  Currently the Hart SC Masters team has raised over £3,500 to support them! A spokesperson for the LevelWater Charity added “Thank you SO much for setting up a swim challenge and fundraising - this is incredible! Level Water are the only UK swimming charity who provide specialist one-to-one swimming lessons for children with physical and sensory disabilities.  £12 can fund one full swimming lesson. Once each child has learnt to swim 15m front crawl and backstroke, they can be safe and independent in the water, and can join group swimming lessons or join their local competitive club. But it's not just about swimming... Through developing independence in the water, and being able to join mainstream classes, each child develops confidence, self-esteem and resilience. By helping to give children physical, social and emotional confidence through sport, it’s possible to change their trajectory in life.”

If you would like to support the team and Level Water, you can sponsor them here. Every penny makes a HUGE difference:

Spencer Farmer, Chairman of Hart Swimming Club had this to say “Everyone at Hart Swimming Club would like to pass on our congratulations to our Masters swimmers for this incredible achievement! They have all worked so hard over the past few months, putting in significant training in the water and on land to get ready and ‘swim fit’ for this challenge.”

Head Coach Darren Buchan added “We are incredibly lucky to have such an experienced and high caliber Master’s Coach as Dawn Salter on our coaching team. Dawn has been putting this group through their paces and helping them get ready for this challenge. Well done to all involved but don’t think Dawn will start making training any easier for you now this challenge is finished.”

You can see the Hart SC Master’s squad train at the Hart Leisure Centre regularly. The squad is made up of capable swim fit adults, adult swim competitors who compete at National and European level and Triathletes. Ranging from 21 years old and upwards. Any enquiries can be made to



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